Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Pressing Issues that Earth Faces

There are many issues that are causing the world's problems of today, and although individually the problems are not huge, when combined they become hugely important. I think the the main issue today is greed. This has caused many problems, from outsourcing jobs causing lots of people to be laid off, to the current economic crisis, to the war for oil, I mean the 'war on terrorism'. I have never been one to point fingers, but alot of the problem comes from wealthy American capitalists looking to make the most money in the easiest way possible, not worrying about who it affects. This leads into my second biggest issue, selfishness. This is directly related to greed, but this applies more to the human aspect instead of money. Selfishness has lead in everyone thinking only of themselves, and not caring about their fellow human beings. This can lead to war, ignorance, and indifference. The third most important issue is overpopulation. There are way too many people on the earth, and they all can't be supported by our natural resources. This can lead to shortages of vital resources such as water and food. The fourth biggest issue is pollution. As I said before, there aren't enough resources to go around as it is, so it only makes things worse if things are wasted and our renewable sources of energy aren't beaing taken advantage of. The fifth biggest issue affecting the world today is disrespect. It seems to me that every year, people become more disrepectful of other people, other people's possesions, and even themselves. I may sound like an old man sitting in Timmies, but the kids of today have no respect. I can see myself now: sitting on my porch, chasing a kid with my cane yelling "You damn kids get off my lawn!". So there you have it, the problems of today summed up in one nice, conveniant paragraph: Greed, Selfishness, Overpopulation, Pollution, and Disrespect.

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