Monday, June 15, 2009

My Big Project

Finally! done my big project, no more pressure. I'm done. Alot of work went into this one, dare I say the most in the whole class? not that it matters, I knew that when I started it would take alot of effort. I had alot of fun doing my project, mainly because it's something that I enjoy doing. I think that this class is a blessing because it allows people to get marks for something they actually like to do, instead of something they 'should' enjoy doing *cough* english *cough*. In all seriousness, if I didn't do this as a school project, it probobly still wouldn't have gotten started, just because my parents are both big procrastenators and it takes a firm kick in butt to get them going. that's what this class was, a firm kick in the butt for my parents. It was also a lot of fun and I'm so glad I took it. So, getting down to business, I think i deserve somewhere in the 90's for a mark, because I did try really hard for a long time, and put 110% of my effort into this project. I think that it helped alot of people to realise that doing a rennovation is actually a big job, especially a bathroom, which incorporates contruction, drywall, painting, plumbing, and electrical. Almost all of the major areas of skilled trades are involved. A bathroom is no small job, and although I had fun I'm glad it's done. Summer here I come.

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