Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Angels and Demons...

*sigh* here's a prime example of why I don't like reading books before movies: THEY GET RUINED!! Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie, and I think it's a great movie if you haven't read the book, but if you have, prepare to be disappointed. here's a lil list I threw together of the major problems:

- The Legs!!
- The brand. (crossed keys? common now)
- The fact that the fourth cardinal survived!?!?! that's just too major of a difference to allow for
- Missing legs
- The hassassian guy looked like a guy who spends more time in a library than killing people.
- The hassassian doesn't fight with Langdon. actually, I kinda liked the way they dealt with that, the whole "I didn't fight you because you were unarmed and have stayed out of my way" I like when movies do that.
- Um, no vittoria vetra legs
- The missing camera crew? disappointed.
- the whole, your father was killed, langdon goes to switzerland thingy. (but hey, 100 pages can't be THAT important can they?)
- And finally, Vittoria's legs were nowhere to be seen (or, atleast, they weren't as apparent as they should have been.

Anywho.. I think that Dan Brown over compensated for the criticism he got from Da Vinci Code making it too much like the book, so here's what he did: he took the book, got the generaly plot idea, a couple characters, then ripped the book in half and threw it in the garbage and wrote a whole new story. Good movie overall, but not if you've read the book.

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