Tuesday, May 19, 2009

American Teen

I really liked this movie, it showed how stressful a teenager's life can be at times, although it did seem over dramatic. to quote Mr. McG it seems very "The Hills-ish". Take the preppy girl for example, i can't remember her name at the moment, but she is your definitive preppy, stuck up, american, b****. She likes to think that she is the centre of the universe, and that no one else is important. She ended up TP-ing someones house just becaue she didn't get the prom theme she wanted, then she ended up not even getting in trouble. The whole movie seemed rather over-dramatic, although it very well could have been edited to appear that way. One thing that this movie made me realise more than anything else, was just how different Americans are versus Canadians. Take sports for example, I was on the football team this year and the only time we had a big audience was during the buyouts, and once school was over, almost two thirds of the audience left. In the movie, the basketball games are considered THE most important thing to go watch, and they get tons of people to turn out. I really was sympathetic to the nerdy guy, however alot of his problems seemed to be self inflicted. To put it simply, he was just, weird. I thought that his story was sad, and felt bad for him since most people didn't want anything to do with him. However, he seemed to find his niche in college. Overall impression: I really really liked this movie. like, really.

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